Pinnacle AI® enables the customer to take control of cost and continuously optimize Cloud spending while building modern, scalable applications to meet their business needs. AWS’s breadth of solutions and services with various pricing options offer the flexibility to effectively manage your costs. We at Pinnacle AI have developed an AI-ML-based solution that helps customers manage costs and still keep the performance and capacity required by the business.
One of the key challenges of current Cloud technologies is the vastness and complexity of technologies. No group of people can master multiple current and emerging technologies. The path to modernization of cloud technologies is strewn with failures. People are scared to take on complex projects for cost optimization and modernization due to the lack of a clear technical path.
At Pinnacle AI®, we have built Cost optimization and modernization -Advisory and implementation (COM-AI) for Public Cloud. COM-AI is a data-driven model based on Artificial Intelligence for cost Optimization. We input these various inputs in our proprietary AI Cost Transformer. Based on output, we show customers how to reduce costs and use newer technologies in the current cloud environment.
We have a multi-step process. We ingest all the current customer environment datasets and analyze that using ML. Then we use Natural Language Processing to understand all the relevant data for various probable technology roadmap and outcome for customers. Finally, we create a synthetic report based on Generative AI.
Pinnacle AI has designed COM-AI for AWS.